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Liu Shangying

 1974 born in Kunming, Yunnan province, China

Now lives and works in Beijing, China


 2004  Stayed in CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts) to teach after graduation at

          No.3 Studio of Oil Painting Department, in the position of Associate Professor and

          Deputy Director of Oil Painting Department

          M.A. Degree, No.3 Studio of Oil Painting Department, CAFA

1999  B.A. Degree, No.2 Studio of Oil Painting Department, CAFA

1995  Graduated from the Attached Middle School of CAFA

 Solo Exhibition

2013   “Fleeting – Paintings by Liu Shangying”, Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China

 Selected Group Exhibitions

 2014   “Resonance”, Indonesian National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia

2013   “Progress Everyday – 2013 Masters Nominated Exhibition”, Zhuzhong Art

           Museum, Beijing, China

           “Academy – Exhibition of Works of Young Teachers of Central Academy of Fine

           Arts”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

           “CAFA – 2013 Exhibition of Works by Teachers”, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing,   


           “FROM BEIJING – Works by the Faculty of China Central Academy of Fine Arts”,   

           New York Academy of Art, New York, U.S

2012   “Best Painting – Exhibition of Oil Paintings of Chinese Youth”, National Art  

           Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing, China

           “Unarrived”, About Light Time, Beijing, China   

2011   “Academy – Exhibition of 8 Youth Teachers at CAFA”, Bai Ya Xuan Arts Center,

           Beijing, China

           “Contemporary China by Artists”, Shenzhen Guanshanyue Art Museum,

           Shenzhen, China

2010   “Oil Painting and Contemporary Society”, National Art Museum of China

           (NAMOC), Beijing, China

           “CAFA Contemporary Art Exhibition”, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

           Invited Exhibition by Rome University of Fine Arts, Il Mondo Dell'arte, Rome, Italy

2008   “Blank Show – the 2nd Edition”, Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China
           “Observing”, The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA) Art Museum,

           Guangzhou, China

           “Yi He – Invited Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings”, China

           National Art Gallery, Beijing, China

2007   “Exhibition of Oil Paintings From Life”, National Art Museum of China (NAMOC),

           Beijing, China

           “Blank Show – the 1st Edition”, Ke Center of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China

2006   “The Nobleness Found on Paper”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou;

           Shanghai Jin Mao Plaza, Shanghai, China

           “Revisit Realism”, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China

           “Life Paintings”, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

           The 2nd Edition of China Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition – the Nature and   

           Human Beings, National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing, China

2005   “Qi Baishi 110 Anniversary Exhibition – Bai Shi You Ji”, Liu Haisu Art Museum,  

           Shanghai; CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

2004   “Painting Li Jiang – The Trip of China”, Guangxi Art Academy, Nanning, China

          (Participating Academies: CAFA, Beijing; Guangxi Art Academy, Nanning, The

           Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK; College of Art of the University of New

           South Welsh, Sydney, Australia

           “Invited Exhibition by Columbia University”, Columbia University, New York City,
