Riaki Enyama is an artist who works in performance, painting and printmaking. She has kept a detailed daily dream diary since 2004 and her works are based on her dreams and her dream interpretative practices. 'In dreams we meet many people and see many things, but they are all a part of us. They metaphorically describe our actual reactions of our inner-selves to our day-to-day activities in the reality. For instance, I dreamt about New York metaphorically depicted as Pompeii in ruins, a TV as a pilotless bomber, a smartphone as a toy for an orphan, and I (female) saw myself as a male actor with huge testicles who is playing woman's role in a dress. I do believe that dreams are the best media to see our simulacra reality objectively.' Enyama is originally from Tokyo, Japan. She currently lives and works in New York.